
10 Tips For Investing A Thousand Dollars Wisely

Smart Investment Tips For Beginners

A thousand dollars doesn't seem like a lot of money these days, but you can still get a lot of value from it if you spend it wisely. While you could purchase a new watch or a few pairs of nice shoes, other alternatives can make a more positive difference in your life. Read on to find out how to make the most out of your $1000!

1Get A Physical

Many middle-aged and older folks haven't had a thorough physical in many years. While it's not a fun way to spend your $1,000, it has the potential to save you much more over the long haul by correcting and preventing physical ailments before they cost you much more than $1,000. The long-term savings from medical expenses can be significant.

2Invest In An Adventure

Have you ever wanted to go skydiving, whitewater rafting, or visit the ruins in Guatemala? Now might be the perfect time to do something adventurous that you'll remember forever. Your new perspectives can carry over to many areas of your life.

3Make A Microloan

Many websites allow you to make small loans to people all over the world. You get the wonderful feeling of helping someone realize their dream or help them out of tragedy. You receive regular progress reports as your money is being repaid. You can make money and enjoy the feeling of helping someone else.

4Invest In Your Career

A professional certification might be just what you need to bring your career to the next level. Consider taking a public speaking course. Another option is to attend a class at the local university.

5Low-Risk Mutual Fund

There are mutual funds that only invest in companies with the lowest volatility over the previous 12 months. These funds tend to do as well as the overall market with much less risk. Most of the stocks held by this type of fund pay dividends. If your portfolio is a little heavy with risk, this can be an excellent way to have a lower-risk investment.

6Get In Shape

When was the last time you considered yourself to be in shape? When was the last time you were proud to walk around in your bathing suit at the pool or beach? Let this be the year that you finally get your weight and conditioning under control. Studies have shown that you're less likely to get sick or die if you're in good shape. You'll save on medical bills many times over.

7Weatherproof Your Home

Replace the weather stripping around your windows and doors. Alternatively, you may need new windows altogether. The payoff of weatherproofing your home can be great over the next several years.

8Support Your Local Museum

Supporting your local museums not only helps support your local sources of culture, but it can also allow you to make great connections to take your career or business to the next level. These types of organizations can be magnets for the "who's who" of your local area. In many cases, it is about who you know.

9Set Money Aside For Social Life

Investing in relationships can be just as important as any other type of investment. Take your spouse out for a date once a month. Even if you're not married, getting out of the house regularly is essential for your happiness and emotional health.

10Get A New Computer

If your computer is several years old or if it seems to be a lot slower than it should be and is crashing every other day, then it might be time for a new computer. A new computer helps you become more productive. You'll also be much less likely to lose your hard work when the hard drive dies on your old computer.

There are many ways to invest $1,000. Consider these ideas or make your own list. Even a relatively small amount of money can make a big difference in your life if you invest it wisely.

About Author

John Quintana

John Quintana is a proud Cuban, a lifelong resident of Miami, Florida, where he lives surrounded by a loving family. When he's not writing, he spends his time either fishing or in the kitchen.