
8 Key Elements Toward A Successful Relationship

Principles Of A Successful Relationship

All successful relationships have common characteristics. It is true whether the relationship is romantic, work-related, casual, or familial. Relationships are more stable and satisfying when all the parties are on the same page.

Communication is always an essential element of healthy relationships. But there are additional important factors. Start practicing these ideas in all of your relationships.

1Take Full Responsibility

Forget about 50-50, and take full responsibility for your relationships. Relationships require regular attention and adjustment. Are you giving your relationships the time and maintenance needed to ensure success?

2Work On Being Reliable

Regardless of the type of relationship, reliability is a key component. It's imperative that you can be trusted and relied on. The importance of trust and reliability can't be overstated.

Do you always keep your word? Can others count on you? Do others believe what you say? Relationships can't survive without mutual trust. If you've been unreliable in the past, make a sincere effort to be 100% reliable going forward.

3Learn To Be Forgiving

Everyone makes mistakes, and everyone has bad days. Every person you know will hurt your feelings or let you down at some point. But it's okay since you'll eventually do the same sometimes.

Every type of relationship has its rough spots. If you're unable to forgive and forget, the relationship is forever tainted. No one is perfect, so allow yourself and others to be human.

4Be Attentive And Speak Out

Communication is critical. Quality communication can't take place without giving the other person your full attention. Turn off the television, and close your laptop.

Give people in your relationship the time they need to communicate with you. When they're finished speaking, clarify anything that isn't clear. Then, feel free to speak out.

5Be Clear With Expectations And Needs

Let others know what you need and expect from them. Most disagreements in all types of relationships are the result of a violation of someone's expectations. It's not weak to speak up and make your needs known.

It's assertive. Many people expect others to read their minds and behave in a certain way. It is unfair and ineffective.

6Be Careful With Your Words

It only takes a few seconds to say something that requires years to undo. If you tend to say harsh things in the heat of the moment, learn to pause before saying anything further. Ten seconds of keeping your mouth closed could eliminate a lot of your relationship drama.

7Learn To Accept Imperfections

A person's "flaws" are usually here to stay. Your ability to overlook and accept the other person's shortcomings is necessary for any relationship. That's not to say that you should ignore the fact that someone is a serial killer, but a relationship will be a source of grief without acceptance.

8Evaluate Your Relationship

You wouldn't drive your car without looking at the gas gauge every once in a while. Take the same attitude with your relationships. Ask yourself how both of you are doing and take the necessary steps to strengthen them.

A rewarding relationship can enrich your life in countless ways. The quality of your relationships affects your happiness and success. Relationships require analysis and attention to thrive.

Review your relationship and find ways to enhance them. Be strong enough to forgive and communicate your needs. Relationships can be complicated, but they make life worth living.

About Author

Jackie Wing

Jackie Wing is an Alaska native, who enjoys snowboarding more than is probably socially acceptable. She lives in Anchorage with her two dogs Reese and Peanut, or as she likes to call them "Thing 1" and "Thing 2."